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DO-220B Supplement - Electronic

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  • DO-220B Reference Supplement
  • his Reference Supplement includes the following items referenced in DO-220B: 1) Britt, C. L., Detection and False Alert Probabilities for the NASA Airborne Pulsed Doppler Windshear Radar, NASA Contract NAS1-18925, Task Assignment No. 24, March 1993; 2) Switzer, G. F., F. H. Proctor, D. A. Hinton, and J. V. Aanstoos, Windshear Database for Forward-Looking Systems Certification, NASA Contract NAS1-18925, Task Assignment No. 26, NASA Technical Memorandum 109012, November 1993; 3) NASA Windshear Database Models, NASA Langley Research Center; 4) ADWRS, Airborne Doppler Weather Radar Simulation program, NASA Langley Research Center. (Note: NASA developed the initial version of ADWRS in FORTRAN. They continue to refine and develop this simulation, including versions in other computer languages. Submit any requests for this software in computer languages other than FORTRAN directly to NASA. NASA will provide source code in the requested computer language if it has already been developed and is available for release. Contact NASA directly at Software Release Authority, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA 23681-2199); 5) Bowles, Roland L. and Bill K. Buck, A Methodology for Determining Statistical Performance Compliance for Airborne Doppler Radar with Forward-Looking Turbulence Detection Capability, NASA/CR-2009-215769 "Corrected Copy", 2009; 6) NASA Turbulence Event Scenarios, NASA Langley Research Center; 7) NASA Ice Crystal Database Models, NASA Langley Research Center
  • DO-220B Supplement-PDF
  • Electronic
  • SC-230
  • 6/22/2023