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DO-331 - Electronic

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  • DO-331 - Model Based Development and Verification Supplement to DO-178C and DO-278A
  • This supplement contains modifications and additions to DO- 178C and DO-278A objectives, activities, explanatory text and software life cycle data that should be addressed when model-based development and verification are used as part of the software life cycle. This includes the artifacts that would be expressed using models and the verification evidence that could be derived from them. Therefore, this supplement also applies to the models developed in the system process that define software requirements or software architecture. A model is an abstract representation of a set of software aspects of a system that is used to support the software development process or the software verification process. This supplement addresses model(s) that have the following characteristics: - The model is completely described using an explicitly identified modeling notation. The modeling notation may be graphical and/or textual. - The model contains software requirements and/or software architecture definition. - The model is of a form and type that is used for direct analysis or behavioral evaluation as supported by the software development process or the software verification process. Errata has been prepared against DO-331. Please check our store to download a free electronic copy or purchase a hard copy.
  • DO-331-PDF
  • Electronic
  • SC-205
  • 12/13/2011